Pride T-Shirt Design Contest
The PTBO-NOGO Pride 2024 T-Shirt Design Contest is now open!
This year’s theme is “Educate. Acitivate. Celebrate." You can learn more about the theme for this year by checking out Our Pride Theme.
The winner will receive $100 and the first shirt off the press!
Send your submission to - Contest closes on July 14th, 2024.
Submission Details/Rules:
- All Designs should represent this year’s theme, and prominently display the slogan of “Educate. Activate. Celebrate!”
- Image quality: Vector format is ideal, but tiff, jpeg, or png formats of 300 dpi resolution or better are fine as well.
- No limit on colours but please be aware we may need to decrease the number of colours due to printing limitations
- Must contain text with some variation of “Nogojiwanong/Peterborough or PTBO-NOGO Pride 2024”
- All submissions must align with PTBO-NOGO Pride’s Mission and Values
- All entries must be the designer’s original work. Designs must follow copyright legislation as the winning design will be used on pride merchandise (ie we must have documented consent from contributing parties, including the artist)
- Designs created using AI will not be accepted
- The pride committee will review each entry and reserves the right to disqualify entries that do not follow the contest rules and/or is not in compliance with Pride's mission and values
Any questions please contact us at